Advise for visitors of Myanmar:
If you are surrounded by the average citizen and you don't see people queueing aka lining up. Don't.
If you see people queueing and you do, be prepared to stand your ground cause its very likely you'll get cut.
It saddens me to say this but the average common citizens of my beloved country do not know how to queue.
I first experienced this in Citymart when I had been patiently queueing to pay for my groceries. An older woman cut in with a basket full of item and positioned herself to be served. I politely told her we've been waiting a while and that it's proper to queue. That woman barked back and me and said I'm a rude girl. Unbelievable.
P.S: I didn't back down from that fight but that's another story.
I'm not sayin that my fellow citizens are rude, uneducated, Neanderthals.
This can happen anywhere in the world.
Myanmar people are the loveliest people.
Most just don't know how to queue.
Any experiences? Share your stories of queue problems - whether it be in Myanmar or around the world!