Lethwei: unarmed Burmese martial art similar to its siblings - IndoChin Kickboxing, Muay Thai, and etc.
(image source: Unlimited Martial Arts)
My manager invited me to this kick boxing training she's started going to and I joined. I went BELIEVING I was gonna get some punches in after a personal life stressful week. I went BELIEVING I was gonna get a workout.
I got one belief accurate. Didn't get to punch a bag and let out my frustration but I got one HELL of a workout.
The workout was at a living legendary lethwei fighter, Lone Chaw, house. I think it was his house It's also called the Thut Ti Lethwei Gym run by multiple former Golden Belt Winner.
This is Lone Chaw. He's a tough trainer. He killed me.
This was my first day and so it went "easy".
We started right off by balancing ourselves on car tires. I was concerned I would literally flat one out with my body-weight. And right after we're comfortable with our balance you're expected to bounce on it while maintaining the pose. I didn't know you could do soft bounces and did some really high jumps. My feet sole KILLED This went on for 15 minutes. Switching from soft bounce and to speedy switching bounces.
After that we were asked to do some stretch routines and some push up and core exercise. Went on perhaps for 10 minutes. Funny thing. It hurt doing this more than the actual techniques taught.
And for the rest of the class we were taught the basics: fight dance, back kick, roundhouse kick, and maintaining steps.
It was a great learning experience. Lots of swearing was heard from me. It's been a while since I exercised and I really went AT it. I felt bad but if not swearing you'll see me dead. Some people just react differently to painful workouts. Me? I swear with all the colourful vocabs of different languages.
If you decide to go for this you can book ahead by calling (or texting even in English) to this number: 09401538133
Address is: 893 Wontharekkita St. Mayangone Tsp
Along Kaba aye Pagoda Road.
You don't have to be a dedicated person wanting to learn this. You can be. Or you can simply be going there to lose weight/get fit.
About the Gym:
The only thing about this is they don't have changing facilities and bathroom... I didn't tempt the hygiene gods by going to the bathroom so change and go to the bathroom beforehand.
Will I go back? We'll see...
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